Saturday, April 28, 2018 will go down as one of my all time favorite days! Our sweet Tom (Tomato, as we like to call him) has been preparing for his First Holy Communion for quite some time. Our family had been excitingly awaiting his special day too, but got even more pumped when we started seeing texts and emails from teachers saying how reverent and respectful he'd been lately in class. Tom? Our Tom? Goofy, bounce off the walls, Pig-Peg Tom? We doubted the rumors but were delighted to hear he'd been a a great example!
We are blessed to have great religious faculty, staff and parents leading the second graders at school. They did a great job keeping parents and students informed as First Communion drew closer. Things like projects, dress code and photo opportunities, for example, were all presented nice and early. Tom and I worked on his banner together so it could be hung at the celebratory mass. This was super fun and I loved his creativity and use of so many symbols. We tried on clothes a few weeks ago- thank goodness for cousins and hand-me-down blazers and dress shoes. All I had to pick up was a pink bowtie - of course! Tom and his classmates met at a park earlier this week for some photos in their fancy attire. (Sneak peak of the girls in all of their white dresses! Yay!)
The night before the big day we were prepping food and coolers and welcoming out of town guests. Some aunts and cousins from Chicago and even a great aunt from Atlanta traveled to celebrate Tom and our adorable neighbor Abby. After a beautiful mass filled with proud moments and joyous emotions for Matt and I as Tom received the sacrament, we had a double party on our neighborhood patios. Matt and I say it all the time, that we have the best neighbors! Saturday proved this even further. Between the company, our two little communicants running around with all of their friends, and dreamy weather ... it was a perfect day and we definitely made it count.
Matt had to head back into work today but the kids and I attended Sunday mass and Tom received again. He's in the club for life now and Father was right when he said in his homily that all the newbies were glowing entering church. It was another pretty day outside and after Matt left the hospital we spent some time trying to get Sam to ditch his training wheels! Tom was out riding too, setting a brave example for his little brother.
Heading to bed with a happy heart thinking about the weekend that was so full of love from so many for our Tom Tomato.